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Who is the developer behind Drawize io? is the innovative brainchild of Lomboos, who specializes in creating interactive and entertaining io games. Their passion for fostering creativity and social interaction is perfectly encapsulated in the vibrant and engaging gameplay of

What is Drawize io about?, available on, is a captivating game that combines the joy of drawing with the thrill of guessing. Players take turns illustrating words while others attempt to guess them to score points. The game is ideal for those who love doodling, deciphering drawings, and engaging with others in a friendly and creative online environment.

Drawize ioGameplay Images

How to play Drawize io?

🖌️ Sketch Your Word: When it's your turn, draw the assigned word for others to guess.
🤔 Guess to Earn Points: Type your guesses based on the drawing to earn points.
🎨 Creative Tools: Utilize various colors and brush sizes to enhance your drawings.
⌛ Time-Limited Rounds: Each drawing and guessing round is time-limited for added excitement.
🔄 Rotate Artists: Players take turns drawing, ensuring everyone gets to participate.
🏆 Collect Points: Accurate and quick guesses yield more points.
🌟 Enjoy the Community: Interact with players from around the world and enjoy the communal aspect of the game.

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