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Who is the developer behind Krunker io? is brilliantly designed by Yendis Entertainment, a studio with a knack for creating dynamic and addictive io games. Their prowess in delivering a seamless first-person shooter experience is unmatched, making a favorite among io game enthusiasts.

What is Krunker io about?, available on, is a standout first-person shooter io game. It captivates players with its fast-paced action, customizable characters, and a wide array of weapons and maps. combines easy-to-learn mechanics with competitive gameplay, making it an ideal game for both casual and serious FPS gamers in the io community.

Krunker io Gameplay Images

How to survive in Krunker io?

🏃‍♂️ Movement: Use WASD or arrow keys to move around the map.
🎯 Aim and Fire: Control the aim with the mouse, left-click to shoot.
🔍 Zoom/Aim Down Sights: Right-click to aim more precisely.
🔄 Reload: Press 'R' to reload your weapon.
🔫 Select Weapons: Use number keys to switch between different weapons.
🏃‍♂️ Sprint and Jump: Use 'Shift' to sprint and 'Space' to jump.
🏆 Game Modes and Objectives: Engage in various game modes and complete objectives for victory.

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