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Who is the developer behind Repuls io? is meticulously crafted by Docski, a developer renowned for pushing the envelope in io game design. Their expertise in integrating high-tech elements and fast-paced gameplay shines in, making it a standout title in the io games genre.

What is Repuls io about?, available on, catapults players into a high-octane, futuristic battlefield. This first-person shooter io game combines advanced weapons, rapid movement mechanics, and strategic play. Each match in is a test of reflexes, strategy, and adaptability, offering a unique and thrilling experience for FPS aficionados.

Repuls io Gameplay Images

How to survive in Repuls io?

🚀 Navigate the Battlefield: Use WASD or arrow keys for movement.
🎯 Aim and Fire: Control the aim with the mouse, left-click to shoot.
🛡️ Use Equipment: Employ various high-tech gadgets and weapons strategically.
💨 Boost and Dodge: Utilize boosters to move quickly and dodge enemy fire.
🔧 Pick Up Items: Collect weapons and health packs scattered across the map.
🕵️‍♂️ Stay Alert: Always be aware of your surroundings and enemy positions.
🏆 Outsmart Your Opponents: Use cover, movement, and firepower tactically to win.

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